University of Belgrade, Faculty of organizational sciences

Department for e-business


Master studies in E-business

Master studies E-Business is part of the new master’s academic studies at FON, University of Belgrade.

The study program of master’s academic studies in E-Business is a continuation of the program of undergraduate academic studies at the Faculty of Organizational Sciences, University of Belgrade. Within the study program there are two modules:

The purpose of this study program is to enable students to work independently in the areas of design and implementation of complex e-business ecosystems, digital enterprise management, application of advanced universal information technologies, and development of innovative e-business services for various fields of application. Given the structure of the study program and the range of skills and knowledge that students acquire after graduation, the special purpose of the program is to encourage students to IT entrepreneurship (startups), ie to develop modern and creative solutions in the field of e-business through critical thinking and use of acquired knowledge. , e-health, e-banking, etc. The acquired knowledge and skills will enable students to participate in projects in the field of E-Business at the national and international level, professional work in the fields of application of advanced information technologies, and competitiveness in the labor market.

The program will contribute to the acquisition of knowledge and skills for new attractive occupations in the IT market for senior positions: digital transformation management manager, IT solutions and ecosystem architect (software architect, system architect…), back-end developer, front-end developer, mobile developer, full-stack developer, IoT engineer (IoT software developer, IoT infrastructure architect, Cyber ​​Engineer, IoT business designer, ..), IT project manager, web administrator, IT administrator (sysadmin, DevOps), IT consultant (digital transformation, CRM, e-commerce, e-payments, IT infrastructure, e-health, e-education, etc.), blockchain programmer and analyst, big data engineer, a business analyst in e-business, digital marketing manager, manager social media, as well as positions in the top management of IT companies.

The study program E-Business will contribute to the development of existing and the introduction of new occupations in the field of application of information technologies and E-Business. Given the growing importance of these areas and the demand for professional staff, this study program is important for the development of the economy and the improvement of information resources of society as a whole.

The e-business study program is in line with the principles of the Information Society Development Strategy in the Republic of Serbia until 2020, the Digicomp 2.0 framework, the recommendations of the most important engineering companies at the world level (IEEE, ACM), EU strategies, and programs at the world's most important universities in IT and E-Business.

The primary goal of the study program E-Business is to provide students with quality, relevant and current knowledge and content in the field of E-Business and the application of advanced information technologies in the digital transformation of business.

The main goals of the study program are:

  • developing specialized academic and professional knowledge in the field of E-Business and training students for their application in practice.
  • training students for professional and scientific work in the field of E-Business in the broadest sense.
  • enabling students to solve complex problems in the field of E-Business in an innovative way by applying modern information technologies.
  • training students for critical analysis, thorough knowledge, and effective application of modern information technologies, such as cloud, internet of things, blockchain, big data, in various areas of E-Business.
  • training students for critical analysis of commercial and open source solutions in the field of E-Business, selection, and introduction of appropriate solutions, as well as the development of their solutions.
  • training students to analyze and understand standards, recommendations, and best practices in e-business.
  • mastering basic and advanced principles, knowledge, techniques, and methods for managing and participating in e-business projects.
  • developing the ability to communicate and manage customer relationships by applying modern methods of digital business management.
  • training students for risk management in e-business projects, evaluation of results using modern methods for analysis, and decision-making for business improvement.
  • encouraging students to think analytically, be creative and innovative.
  • developing the ability to follow new directions of development in the field of E-Business.
  • enable easy employment and greater competitiveness of personnel in the field of E-Business.

Specific subject-specific goals of the study program include mastering theoretical and practical knowledge in the following areas:

  • Development of e-business strategies and business models and management of digital business transformations.
  • Development of e-business business models based on digital ecosystems and collaborative networks.
  • Starting your entrepreneurial ventures based on the application of modern models and advanced e-business technologies.
  • Designing and managing the development of innovative services and applications in various fields: e-commerce, e-government, e-payments, digital marketing, e-education, e-health, and others.
  • Understanding the role of cloud, mobile, IoT, and big data technologies in modern e-business.
  • Design and development of distributed, reliable, and scalable E-Business systems.
  • Development of cloud infrastructure and e-business services.
  • Development of modern applications for mobile devices.
  • Development of smart environments and applications for managing smart environments based on the Internet of Intelligent Devices (Internet of Things).
  • Development of big data infrastructure and application of advanced techniques and methods of analysis of large amounts of data in E-Business.
  • Application of advanced technologies and services of digital marketing and social media in business operations.
  • Management of the introduction of e-payment systems in E-Business services.
  • Development of e-business systems based on heterogeneous IT components.
  • Development and management of IT operations and use of dev-ops tools.
  • Application of blockchain technologies in various areas of E-Business.
  • Application of virtual reality and development of games in virtual reality.

A special goal of the study program is to train students for higher levels of study, as well as lifelong education in the field of E-Business and information technology.

Within the study program E-Business, students acquire a wide range of competencies, ie theoretical and practical knowledge that give them the opportunity to develop a professional career and continue research and education in the field of E-Business systems and the application of advanced technologies. Competences, knowledge, and skills correspond to level 7.1 of the National Qualifications Framework in Serbia (NOKS), narrower area 061 Information and Communication Technologies, according to the classification of qualifications.

By mastering the study program E-Business, students acquire the following general abilities:

  • ability to independently or in team implement projects, analyze, structure, and solve problems in the field of E-Business,
  • ability to critically analyze and predict directions of development in the fields of e-business technologies and e-business management,
  • analysis and synthesis in the field of complex e-business ecosystems,
  • development of critical and self-critical thinking and approach related to e-business projects, technologies, models, systems, services, and applications,
  • practical application of knowledge in e-business projects in the broadest sense
  • ability to continue studying at higher levels of study,
  • ability to engage in scientific research and publish the results of scientific work,
  • ability to combine knowledge from several areas, multidisciplinarity.

By mastering the study program, the student acquires the following subject-specific abilities:

  • solving theoretical and practical problems in the field of e-business using modern methods, architectures, approaches, and services,
  • understanding and knowledge of the field of application of advanced technologies in e-business and modeling of e-business systems;
  • ability to innovate in the field of e-business technologies and management,
  • involvement in national and international projects in the field of e-business,
  • competencies for managing IT projects and designing solutions in various areas of e-business: e-commerce, e-government, digital payments, etc.
  • ability to apply modern technologies in complex e-business ecosystems: social computing, smart environments, augmented and virtual reality, crowdsourcing, blockchain, ubiquitous computing, etc.

The key learning outcomes according to the descriptors of the learning outcomes of the national qualifications framework are:

  • Students can solve complex problems in the field of application of information technology in e-business in an innovative way.
  • Students can analyze, evaluate different models, concepts, and principles from theory and practice.
  • Students can manage and lead complex communication, interaction, and collaboration with others from different target groups in e-business systems.
  • Students are trained to apply complex methods, techniques, and models in the field of E-Business as a basis for scientific and applied research.
  • Students have the skills to independently manage complex digital transformation projects.
  • Students can organize, educate, and control the work of others.

Students have the skills to carry out entrepreneurial ventures and take on leadership positions.

The study program E-Business consists of two study modules: E-Business and E-Business Technologies. Within each study module, there are two compulsory courses, and the other courses are elective and can be chosen from the group of elective courses of the selected study module.

Within the study module E-Business Technologies, the obligatory subjects are E-Business Ecosystems and Development of Advanced E-Business Applications. Elective courses in this study module are Internet technologies and knowledge management systems in e-business, Advanced cloud infrastructures and services, Mobile business technologies, Smart environments, Virtual reality and game programming, Blockchain in e-business, Business intelligence and big data analytics in e-business business, Data management, and analysis in E-Business, Computer network services in business, Security methods in E-Business, Cybercrime, Software testing, and performance.

Within the study module E-business, the obligatory subjects are E-systems of e-business and Digital Marketing Technologies. Elective courses in this study module are Risk Management and Cyber ​​Security, Payment Systems in E-Business, E-Business in Public Administration, E-Health, E-Education, Cyber ​​Law, Data Management and Analysis in E-Business, Internet Economics, E-Business Management, Economic and sociological aspects of digital transformation, Cyberpsychology, Supply chain management 2.

A professional internship is mandatory and aims to train students for independent research and professional work in recognizing and solving specific tasks in the field of E-Business in real conditions of practice and/or in research laboratories and centers. Professional practice includes goals and tasks, student obligations and obligations of the organization (if the project is implemented in a specific organization), manner of work, form, and content of the final report, etc.

The subject of the Final Thesis is obligatory and includes application, the final title of the topic of the paper, research part.

The final master thesis roughly includes the following elements: introduction, theoretical part, practical/experimental part, results and discussion, conclusion, literature review.

The study program E-Business is harmonized with modern trends and the state of the profession in the fields of E-Business and E-Business technologies. The study program offers students the latest scientific and professional knowledge in the field of E-Business. The study program is complete, comprehensive, and harmonized with other study programs of FON. The study program is harmonized with:

The study program E-Business is harmonized with the accredited programs of foreign higher education institutions of the European and world educational space. It is harmonized according to study programs in the field of E-Business, among which are:

E-business module:

University: Copenhagen Business School, Denmark

University: Dublin city university - School of computing, Ireland

University: Vlerick business school, Belgium

University: IFM University, Switzerland

University: Goethe Business School, Germany

E-Business Technology Module:

University: University of Manchester, UK

University: Carnegie Mellon University - Computer Science Department, USA

University: Tsinghua University, China

University: Technical University of Munich, Germany