Traditionally, Summer school “E-business technologies” is organized by Department for e-business this year. This year summer school covers concept of modern e-business applications development, Internet of things technologies and concepts of software-defined networking and Cloud computing. Summer school will take place from September 21st to October 10th, 2015 at Faculty of Organizational Sciences.
During this period, it will be presented a few practical examples and labs exercises. Summer school “E-business technologies” will include 3 courses:
- E-business application development (12 participants)
- Internet of things (12 participants)
- Software-defined networking and Cloud computing (12 participants)
Undergraduate, master, postgraduate and PhD students can enroll in in this school.
Important dates:
- Application deadline – August 15th – September 10th, 2015
- 9th – 11th September- Interview with candidates
- September 14th – A list of participants will be published
- 16th – 24th September- Signing contract
- September 21st – October 10th – Summer school
Lecturers at summer school “E-business technologies” are:
- professor dr Bozidar Radenkovic
- professor dr Marijana Despotovic-Zrakic
- associate professor dr Zorica Bogdanovic
- associate professor dr Dusan Barac
- associate professor dr Aleksandra Labus
- dr Zivko Bojovic
- Konstantin Simic
- Milica Labus
- Dragana Groj
- Nikola Milanovic
Ranking list of applicants will be based on previous success at studies and interview. Rights and obligations between participants of the first summer school “E-business technologies” and Elab department are defined by contract. By signing a contract, participants accept terms of attending chosen course of summer school.
Each participant who attends the classes and successfully completes the final project receives a certificate in the end of the course.