University of Belgrade, Faculty of organizational sciences

Department for e-business

E-business – selected chapters

Study program E-business and system management
Study groupElectronic business, E-business technologies
Course statusCompulsory
TeachersMarijana S. Despotović-Zrakić, Zorica M. Bogdanović, Dušan M. Barać, Aleksandra B. Labus, Dragan V. Vukmirović
AssociatesAleksandra B. Labus, Aleksandar R. Milić

Course Content

Lectures:E-business – state and perspectives. Virtual Organizations. Business models on the Internet. Revenue models. Electronic retailing. B2B electronic commerce. Interoperability in e-business. E -government . E -Health. E – education. E -recruitment. The use of mobile services and technologies. Mobile commerce. Supply chain management. Customer relationship management. Business Intelligence. Project management of e-business. Risk management in the development and implementation of e-business systems. Managing e- business infrastructure. Semantic Web. Integration of information. Standards and quality management. The key performance indicators. Legal and ethical aspects of e-business. Trends in electronic business.

Practical exercises:Making Internet business plan. Implementation of Internet business plan. Development of intranet and Internet portals. Integrating document management systems in the intranet portal. Integration services for communication and cooperation in the Intranet portal. Systems integration for project management of intranet portal. The development of electronic stores. Integration into the web portal. Development of CRM systems. The development of B2B e-business services.


The aim of the course is to introduce students to the advanced concepts in the field of electronic business, in order to enable the design and implementation of complex e-business systems.


  1. E-resources from website
  2. Editori M. Ivković, B. Radenković, Internet i savremeno poslovanje, monografija, Tehnički fakultet „Mihajlo Pupin“, Zrenjanin 1998.
  3. D.Chaffey, E-Business and E-Commerce Management (4th Edition), Prentice Hall, 2009.
  4. K.C.Laudon, C.G.Traver, E-commerce 2012. Business. Technology. Society, Pearson, 2012.
  5. J.L.Brewer, K.C.Dittman, Methods of IT Project Management, Pearson Prentice Hall 2010.
  6. A.Afuah, C.L.Tucci, Internet business models and strategies: text and cases, McGraw-Hill, 2003.
  7. P.Bocij, D.Chaffey, A.Greasley, S.Hickie, Business information systems: technology, development and management for the e-business, Financial Times : Prentice Hall, 2003.
  8. H.M.Deitel, P.J.Deitel, K.Steinbuhler, E-business and e-commerce for managers, Upper Saddle River : Prentice-Hall 2001.
  9. P.Harmon, M.Rosen, M.Guttman, Developing E-business systems & architectures: a manager’s guide, San Francisko[etc.] : Morgan Kaufman. cop. 2001. – XXIV.